Josiah's 1st Year – A Journey of Love & Adventure!
Welcome to our little driver's first year of life! From his first smile to his first steps, Josiah has been racing through milestones with joy and wonder.
Month-by-Month Milestones
Month 1
First smile! Josiah loves watching ceiling fans and bright lights.
Month 3
Rolling over and giggling at car sounds outside the window.
Month 6
First tooth and sitting up!.
Month 9
Crawling like a race car! No toy is safe from his reach.
Month 12
First steps and words! "Car" is definitely in his vocabulary.
Josiah's Favorite Things
Toy Cars
His collection grows weekly! The red sports car rarely leaves his grip.
Stuffed Bear
His bedtime companion who often rides shotgun in his toy vehicles.
Car Books
He flips pages of "Things That Go" repeatedly, pointing at every vehicle.
Car Songs
"Wheels on the Bus" makes him bounce with excitement every time.
Josiah's First Words and Sounds
Quickly followed his first word. Reserved for when he wants to be picked up.
Not quite a word, but his favorite sound! Made while pushing his cars.
"Ca" (Car)
Points at every vehicle and says this with excitement. His true passion!
Growth Chart: Racing to New Heights
Birth: 20 inches
Our tiny racer arrives, ready to begin life's grand journey.
3 Months: 23 inches
Growing strong! Starting to hold his head up to see more cars.
6 Months: 26 inches
Sitting tall now. Perfect position for pushing toy cars around.
9 Months: 28 inches
Cruising while holding furniture. His first taste of mobility!
12 Months: 30 inches
Standing tall and taking his first independent steps!
Special Moments and Candid Captures
Giggles & Wheels
Josiah's uncontrollable laughter during car races with sisters.
Sisterly Love:
Araiyah and Amayah are not just Josiah’s sisters; they are his best friends and adventure buddies.
Dreaming of Highways
Even in sleep, he keeps his favorite cars close.
First Love
From the very first cuddle to late-night lullabies, Josiah's mom has been his guiding light, showering him with warmth, care, and unconditional love